Monday, November 21, 2005

Iraq Reporting

It is amazing to me to know that the foreign terrorists in Iraq regularly read American newspapers. It was a fact pointed out to me by none other than Secretary Rumsfeld. On Fox last Sunday he reported that the terrorists see the debate in America and think that if they wait it out they can win. Boy howdy, those guys are pretty darn smart and have access to the NY Times, Washington Post and all the other media outlets. Somehow it strains the imagination that these guys in Iraq are reading their Blackberrys for the latest left wingnut call to figure out a plan to either win or get out. It does not seem likely that a terrorist is waiting for the satelite feed of the Sunday morning gabfests in order for them to gauge the American failure to "stay the course". The old bugaboo about "aid and comfort to the enemy" just doesn't hold water. The terrorist we are fighting are committed to their cause and would fight to the end no matter what was said on Face the Nation. The old "Hanoi Jane" scare tactics are nonsense. How many North Vietnamese suddenly enlisted with Uncle Ho after seeing Jane Fonda in Hanoi? Not many Iraqi's are going to become suicide bombers because some Democrat questions why we went to Iraq in the first place. We are told that we must fight them there in order to prevent fighting them here. I fail to see why having our soldiers in Iraq is preventing an attack in London, Madrid or New York. Is it because they will be too busy killing Americans in Iraq to come to the US and kill them? What are the terrible consequences that we will face if the Iraqi's fail to have a stable government? What were the terrible consequences from having North Vietnam conquer South Vietnam? We now have tourism with Vietnam so what were the dire results that were predicted if South Vietnam fell? Lay out a case for staying in Iraq that does not include the tired cliches and labels we have seen for so long. Have a real debate not a series of sound bites. I, for one, am willing to listen.


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