Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Please Tell Hillary She Lost

The lady in the pantsuit has sung. Somebody needs to have the balls to tell Hill and Bill they are toast. After a big win in West Virginia (no surprise there), now would be a good time to bow out and swing behind the Democratic nominee.
I know, I know...All the votes need to be counted, yada, yada, yada. McCain is just laughing. With all the attention on Barack and Hillary, he can continue taking his afternoon naps. Oh, you say, but it is good to have such a great rivalry. I hear ya but when is it good to see all the perceived warts and blemishes so gleefully presented by Hillary. Barack doesn't do white folks, Barack doesn't do shots in a working man's bar, Barack can't do swing states and so on and on and on. Geez, lady, give it a rest!
After all, Hillary is not known for bipartisanship. Hillary managed to get almost nothing done while in the White House. In her defense however, what with ducking sniper fire in Bosnia she was probably too busy though. Maybe that last comment was a bit snarky but you get the drift.
We all need to support our nominee and help defeat Bush III. So, please, give Hillary the memo. Time to put the pantsuit in mothballs.