Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Economy, Stupid

I don't know about anybody else, but I for one am sick of hearing how the Dow is up, therefore all is well. The American Middle Class are not an investor nation. We are consumers. The fact that the Dow is up means little to most Middle Class. We don't have millions or even thousands invested. We are in debt up to our eyeballs. Middle Class jobs have been replaced with service based jobs which are not going to pay the bills. The guy who worked at the Ford plant for 20 years, until it closed, now works for Wal-Mart at not even half what he earned before. The same clowns who proudly state the new jobs being created don't bother to tell you of the net income lost between the old Middle Class job and the new Debtor Class job. C'mon people, get real! We tell those whose jobs were lost that they need to be retrained into the jobs of the 21st Century. Oh, really, we need to be trained to work in the Garden Center at Home Depot for just over the minimum wage? Helllloooo! There is nothing wrong with working at Wal-Mart or Home Depot but don't equate that with a well paying job. Oh, I forgot, the Dow is up and all is well. Silly me for saying otherwise.


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