Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What Have We Learned in 2006?

The question begging to be asked after the midterm election is; What have we learned? A few things come to mind.
  • Most folks appear to be against gay marriage or anything ringing of gay partnerships/unions/whatever.
  • The minimum wage needs to be adjusted and if the Feds won't do it the States will.
  • Americans want out of Iraq, plain and simple.
  • Although the stock market is up and unemployed is down, there is concern about jobs and what kind of jobs (see minimum wage).
  • "Get something done!" is loud and clear to both the donkeys and elephants.
  • Absolute power breeds abuses absolutely.
  • Incompetence will not be tolerated (Katrina, Iraq, Scandals, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq)
If the Democrats can somehow stop fighting each other and the Republicans can stop trying to beat up on the Democrats, there is a chance something can get done. However, I am somewhat pessimistic about the progress being made. The 800 lb elephant in the room; President Bush! If he digs in his heels as he has so often done and is stubborn just to be stubborn then we are all in for it. Time will tell.


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