Friday, November 25, 2005

Letter to the Editor

A Letter to the Editor in today’s Arizona Republic stated. “Whether the reasons to go to war were flawed or not, the fact still remains that we are at war against an enemy that has no face, no boundaries and no conscience. The time to debate the reasons to go to war has come and gone. We are at war! Let's close ranks behind our commander in chief and prosecute it until we bring these terrorists to justice or eliminate them. Freedom is priceless.” While an admirable statement of purpose, it is ultimately unachievable for the very reasons listed in the letter itself.

The question in Iraq is how the hell do we declare we won and get the hell out? Despite all the rhetoric about why we got there it remains that we are there. What are the goals to be achieved and how do we achieve them? How do you fight an enemy that in the writer’s own words “…we are at war against an enemy that has no face, no boundaries and no conscience.”? An Iraq veteran, in another article on his homecoming, said the insurgents “owned the roads.” How do you fight an enemy such as this? It is utterly moronic to spout patriotic nonsense about freedom, closing ranks and winning a war when you don’t know who you are fighting, where to find them, being unable to travel safely on the roads to get the troops to an objective and not being able to interact with the residents you are trying to liberate. I am sure that this question has been raised in the War Room on more than one occasion.

Seems to me that we beat the British using a lot of these same tactics in the Revolutionary War. Please don’t misunderstand, I am in no way equating our own struggle for destiny with the Iraqi insurgents battle. I am stating that our guerrilla tactics and those used in Iraq are similar. You can’t beat a well trained army by classic war maneuvers but you can bleed them to death by controlling the roads (supply lines), shooting from behind walls, planting IEDs and other guerrilla actions. You can’t shoot what you can’t see and you can’t stop civilian traffic or search every house or detain everybody you meet.

The answer is to hold the upcoming elections, declare our job is done, warn the Iraqi’s that we will not put up with any shit in the future, and gather our people together and GET THE HELL OUT!


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