Thursday, November 24, 2005


Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite holidays. Oh, don't get me wrong the four day weekend created by this event has always been one to look forward to just before Christmas. I have always had good memories of Thanksgiving but it just never really hit it off for me.

Anyway, I am thankful for a few things but I was wondering what it would feel like to have those same memories while I was in some damn piss-ant place just trying to survive. Ring any bells? Our soldiers deserve better. The cost of freedom is kinda high for these folks. I am grateful that I live in America. Would be nice though if we actually started acting like America. Draft-Dodger DickCheney ought to be thankful as well as Rummy and all the other gang. Thankful that they never had to go where they are sure willing to send their children. Well, not their children but rather their country's children.


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