Sex or Money?
Republican’s get caught with their hand in the public cookie jar and Democrat's get caught with their pants down. While this may seem overly simplistic sometimes the simple answer is the best answer. What brought this to mind was the story about Calif. Congressman Cunningham who admits taking bribes . Seems our Mr. Cunningham, a bit of a macho, swaggering war type got caught pigging out on other folks money in exchange for his influence. This is on the heels of the DeLay, Frist and others investigations.
This story goes to the heart of what each party is about. Democrats are more people oriented and Republicans are more money/power oriented. Again, overly simplistic, but it does seem to be the case. Now I am not trying to hold the Republican’s feet to the fire, although singeing them a little is okay, rather I am making the broader point. Conservatives are too uptight to get involved in a good sex scandal. Now the Democrats, on the other hand, are more than willing to dip their big toe (or some other parts of their body, if you catch my drift) in a little scandal. Democrats are too preoccupied with the sex to go after the money. Now money, why that is a sacred word to our Republican brethren (better if it is yours or maybe even tax free or better yet, a write-off) and they are too busy making it or spending it or doing something with it to get involved with a, ughhh, sex scandal. Money…Sex… quite the quandary. It is, however, somewhat predictable.
This story goes to the heart of what each party is about. Democrats are more people oriented and Republicans are more money/power oriented. Again, overly simplistic, but it does seem to be the case. Now I am not trying to hold the Republican’s feet to the fire, although singeing them a little is okay, rather I am making the broader point. Conservatives are too uptight to get involved in a good sex scandal. Now the Democrats, on the other hand, are more than willing to dip their big toe (or some other parts of their body, if you catch my drift) in a little scandal. Democrats are too preoccupied with the sex to go after the money. Now money, why that is a sacred word to our Republican brethren (better if it is yours or maybe even tax free or better yet, a write-off) and they are too busy making it or spending it or doing something with it to get involved with a, ughhh, sex scandal. Money…Sex… quite the quandary. It is, however, somewhat predictable.
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